
  1. Big Ban

    Closed Big Ban

    Hello everyone, it's me, Big Ban, I've been on this community since 2017... I would like to become an admin again as I used to be now, since I have finished school I can be more active on the server I would like to become part of family again, I hope that I can be accepted again...
  2. *Baradock*

    Closed New Admins

    New Admins: @AlAsmar Contact Staff Members For any help. Congratulations and Good luck ProGaming.Ba Staff
  3. Amoguns

    Closed Amoguns

    I wanna expereince admin and the skins are so cool. I will not ban players it's just for the skin and double jump i like it ;)
  4. *Baradock*

    New Admins!

    New admins : DiNi , Bouziane Promoted Admins : hany (Public Admin) Everybody wish them luck in this journey Selected admins PM me For any help. Congratulations and good luck ! If somebody wants to apply, check this thread to see how:
  5. *MaMaMia*

    Adminship Form

    I will try my best as an Admin
  6. *MaMaMia*

    Closed MaMaMia

    Hi Everybody! I recently noticed when *Baradock* is not online there are players who are misbehaving and trolling a lot and I mean a lot and a lot of the time players joined with really inappropriate names and started swearing at everybody. I am online every day Sunday to Saturday from 12:00 AM...
  7. GTI

    Closed Konkurs za admina CS Zombie Escape

    Write here shortmessage how u can help community
  8. Closed Apply for Admin

    Hi all! I'm Montana. 32 years old. Form Turkey. I'm an active player. I want to help admin team for stop trolls and cheaters. gametracker link :
  9. Closed With all due respect, I want to order an admin

    Hello, I am Sohaib from Algeria My age is 24 . I am an old player with you in servers and I was absent for a while due to circumstances. As you know, when someone reaches maturity, he will go to work and ... We return to a topic I wanted to ask you to be addicted because I love this very good...
  10. Closed Prijava za admina

    Najjaci admin
  11. NicksYT

    Closed Apply for admin

    Hi all
  12. TerrorYT

    Closed Admin Request(Buy Admin)

    Nick : Terror Date of birth : 07/02/2000 Town/State / Grad/Država : Spain Gametracker link with the number of hours played on a server : First Time i play this Server. Experience as an admin / Iskustvo kao admin : 9/10 Discord Nickname : Miquel Rodríguez I want buy Admin or Owner. if accept...