Closed Report on MSI admin

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New member
Nov 8, 2021
Ok guys, I'm playing for about 3.5h on this server, and I never had a problem like this.
Today I played, and admin MSI changed my nick: ADMIN Msi: change nick of Cilimov klan - Tepih to " ZE4355
I really don't understand what's wrong with my nick. I asked him 3+ times what's the problem and he didn't want to answer.
So I expect some measures against him and explanation what's wrong with my nick, because it's not insulting or something like that and it's not ad for another server...


Well-known member
Zombie Escape Admin
Trusted Member
Mar 24, 2021
Orasje, Varvarin, Serbia
Ok guys, I'm playing for about 3.5h on this server, and I never had a problem like this.
Today I played, and admin MSI changed my nick: ADMIN Msi: change nick of Cilimov klan - Tepih to " ZE4355
I really don't understand what's wrong with my nick. I asked him 3+ times what's the problem and he didn't want to answer.
So I expect some measures against him and explanation what's wrong with my nick, because it's not insulting or something like that and it's not ad for another server...
I saw you that you have Serbian nickname, so i'm recognizing you as a Serbian.
Ako znas srpski, razumeces me (video sam da imas srpski nick tako da te prepoznajem kao Srbina)

Da ti objasnim. "Cllimov klan - Tepih" ti je nick sto si naveo. Problem ti je Cilimov klan. Admin ti je promenio nick zato sto je to po pravilu "advertising". Cilimov klan ti je bukvalno prefiks ime nekog klana, a posto je ovo Progaming.Ba server, to bi znacilo da promovises neki drugi server preko nicka. On ce prihvatiti nickname ako je samo "Tepih". Tako da ti admin Msi nije uopste kriv. On je radio svoj posao.
Nadam se da sam ti objasnio.


Zombie Escape Admin
Aug 21, 2021
Ok guys, I'm playing for about 3.5h on this server, and I never had a problem like this.
Today I played, and admin MSI changed my nick: ADMIN Msi: change nick of Cilimov klan - Tepih to " ZE4355
I really don't understand what's wrong with my nick. I asked him 3+ times what's the problem and he didn't want to answer.
So I expect some measures against him and explanation what's wrong with my nick, because it's not insulting or something like that and it's not ad for another server...
Good afternoon, because your name has to do with the acronym of a clan that is not this server, it is because we do not accept advertising from other servers or that players have names from other servers, the administrator did his job changing name.
Thank you for your report and have a good day.

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